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a place to converse, virtually, on a variety of topics, bringing together multiple strands to encourage, question, challenge, ponder, and edify. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. (Eccl. 4.12)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

contrasting Biblical and Greek views of love (Bloom)

Allan Bloom, in his commentary The Ladder of Love on Plato's Symposium, writes the following.  It is a fascinating compare/contrast between a Biblical/Jewish understanding of "eros or love in the life of man."  I must wonder how this is reflected today in the changing mores of our culture, as we lose the foundation of Judeo-Christian worldview on which the United States was founded, and slide into a post-modern, post-Christian, individualist worldview.

From Plato's Symposium. University of Chicago Press. 1993, 2001.

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