welcome to multiple strands

a place to converse, virtually, on a variety of topics, bringing together multiple strands to encourage, question, challenge, ponder, and edify. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. (Eccl. 4.12)

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Bebbington quadrilateral

I came across this concept recently; I do not recall hearing this previously. An interesting description, and I think accurate. This is quoted from Wikipedia:

Bebbington is widely known for his definition of evangelicalism, referred to as the "Bebbington quadrilateral", which was first provided in his 1989 classic study Evangelicalism in Modern Britain: A History from the 1730s to the 1980s. Bebbington identifies four main qualities which are to be used in defining evangelical convictions and attitudes:

biblicism, a particular regard for the Bible (e.g. all essential spiritual truth is to be found in its pages)

crucicentrism, a focus on the atoning work of Christ on the cross

conversionism, the belief that human beings need to be converted

activism, the belief that the gospel needs to be expressed in effort


Monday, May 7, 2018

If a man were permitted to make all the ballads, he need not care who should make the laws of a nation ...

Andrew Fletcher (1653-1716)